LED H4 バルブ RIZING : 日本製

May 03,2019


スフィアライト製 LED H4 バルブ RIZING : 日本製

スフィアライト社製 LED H4 バルブ RIZING。高品質の日本製。何よりも安定した輝きが、走りの新たなステージを演出致します!!


ハーレーの純正ヘッドライト、及び社外のヘッドライトの殆どで H4バルブが使用されております。H4バルブは世界共通の規格となっており、バルブの取り付け面の形状 (アタッチメント部分) と、配線方法 (3極の接続端子の形状 + カプラーオン方式) はどれも共通です。

以下の写真は、TwinCam 以降のヘッドライトですが、全て H4バルブが使用されております。

  • 主にソフティル、ダイナ、スポーツスターで使用されている 5-3/4 インチ・ヘッドライト。
  • ファットボーイ、ヘリテイジ・ソフティル、ウルトラ系で使用されている 7インチ・ヘッドライト。
  • 〜2011年までのVRSCDX / VRSCD で使用されておりました 5-3/4 インチ・ヘッドライト。


取付け方法は基本的にバルブ交換のみ。面倒な配線作業も一切必要無く、バルブに装着されているソケットを車体側からのカプラー (主にヘッドライト・ボディー内部にあります) に差し込むだけで取付作業は完了です。

プライス / 仕様

スフィアライト製 LED H4 バルブ RIZING
[ 価格 ] : ¥15,800 (税別)

  • ルーメン: 2700lm
  • 消費電力: 20W
  • 動作電圧: 12V
  • 製品寿命: 30000時間
  • カラー: 5500K(ウォームホワイト)
  • 2年間保証

▶︎ ご注文

LED H4 BULB / RIZING : Made in Japan

For All Harley Davidson, for all Motorcycles, and for all cars!!

Highest Quality : Made in Japan!!

If an H4 bulb is used for the head light bulb of your HARLEY-DAVIDSON, your Motorcycle, and your car, you can install this LED H4 bulb immediately. This is because an H4 bulb is a universal bulb. It only takes 10 minutes to install this. You can get this most advanced, gorgeously white brightness fairly easily. A manufacturer called SPHERE LIGHT in Japan designs, produces, and manages this next-generation LED H4 bulb / RIZING. We’re sure you can instantly understand that this means that it has the best quality in the world. We repeat this again. This is the latest, world’s highest quality LED H4 bulb that is made in Japan.

Easy install

To mount, you basically just change the bulb. There is no need for troublesome wiring work. Simply plug the three-way socket from the bulb into the coupler on the motorcycle and installation is complete. You can have next-generation brightness in just 10 minutes!!

  • Hi / Lo beam
  • Power consumption : 20W
  • The life of this LED H4 bulb / RIZING is 30,000 hours
  • Color : 5500K
  • 2,700lm
  • 25,500cd (Hi beam)
  • 26,600cd (Lo beam)
  • This item is sold individually


  • It may be necessary to partially modify the way the spring used for fitting the bulb is bent.
  • Custom Motorcycles or other motorcycles or cars where the headlight wiring has been changed from original specifications will require additional individual wiring work.
  • SPHERE LIGHT’s LED H4 bulb / RIZING meets all requirements for heat dissipation, water resistance, and earthquake resistance.


PRICE : 15,800 JPY

The LED bulb manufactured by SPHERE LIGHT meets Japan’s strict vehicle inspection standards. This is proof that the LED bulb is of top quality and is rated highly for performance and durability.


We can deliver this LED H4 bulb / RIZING all over the world via the most affordable transportation method, EMS. When we ship products to you, our EC system does not allow us to settle accounts unless we enter an EMS tracking number that is individually assigned. So, please place an order with a sense of security. Also, once shipping of your order has been completed, we will send you a copy of the EMS slip of your order via email. Your racking number is listed on the slip, so you can track your package on the EMS web site at any time.

LED T10 ポジション・バルブ / LED H4 バルブ RIZING 専用

スフィアライト社製LEDバルブ専用のLEDポジション・バルブです。バルブ交換のみの作業にてお取り付けが可能です。LED H4バルブと併用する事によりヘッドライト全体の光量を増幅。より直線的な白い輝きを付与致します。

LED T10 ポジション・バルブ
[ 価格 ] : ¥2,800 (税別)

▶︎ ご注文

LED T10 Position Bulb

This is an LED T10 position bulb with a design like a projector lamp .
Please use it with an LED bulb H4 / H9 /H11 made by SPHERE LIGHT in JAPAN.
The straight white beam will make your head light look even cooler!!

  • It can be mounted as a bolt-on on any OEM Harley-Davidson headlight.
  • This item is sold individually.

[ LED T10 Position Bulb ]
PRICE : 2,800 JPY

▶︎ ORDER : LED T10 Position Bulb